Furnaces and Forehearths
Forglass Hybrid Furnace
Forglass Hybrid Furnace
Faster melting = less energy consumed
Hybrid Furnace 50/50
Optimal in each situation
Such solution combines the characteristics of a fuel-fired furnace with an electrically powered system. That gives the advantage of being flexible and free to respond in nowadays unstable business environment with variable prices and supply shortages of fuel and electric energy plus rising costs of CO2 emissions. Hybrid furnace is the most flexible solution amongst all, giving its users the broadest spectrum of options in case of rapid change of market conditions. In our – your investment scenario, you don’t need to make any revolution in furnace hall as we can keep the main features of the existing glass furnace, including End Fired Regenerative systems.
The proper tools
The increased share of electricity in a furnace operating with a horizontal sequence of melting and refining processes poses a two main challenges to which we have found answers.
• The first challenge is how to efficiently transmit the high power released locally on the electrodes in the melting zone, so that this energy is evenly distributed throughout the furnace and allows for intensive melting.
– The answer to this problem is our invention Forglass Mixing Electrodes®, which efficiently transport the heat upwards and mixing it with glass of the lower temperature.
• The second challenge is to ensure adequate temperature distribution in the molten glass in the refining section. The typical combustion system of a standard End Fired Furnace alone which is adapted to the function of a hybrid furnace does not ensure that an adequate temperature distribution is achieved in the refining zone.
– The answer to this challenge is our invention of Forglass Fining Boost™ electrodes, which create the very same distribution of temperature in furnace with use of electricity, as it is normally achieved with use of flame. Imagine a Hot Spot without a flame!
Having those tools described above and implementing advanced mathematical modelling, we will optimise all the aspects of your Hybrid Furnace.
Hybrid Furnace 80/20
More as a Hot Top
In the case of the 80/20 energy share hybrid furnace, we are moving further towards fully electric melters while still retaining the main advantages of the 50/50 hybrids: their flexibility and wide range of options in response to rapid changes in market conditions. Compared to 50/50 hybrids, these furnaces require some additional changes to a few specific design features, such as burner ports, regenerators, and the appropriate type of refractory. However, a major overhaul of the furnace hall can be avoided, as we can preserve the main features of the existing glass furnace, including End Fired Regenerative systems. How is this possible? Please see “The proper tools”.
Just one step further
We believe that the transition to a higher electric share will be a process—an evolution driven by changing market and political conditions. Incentives such as electricity prices, CO2 emission costs, public and government pressure and energy source accessibility will vary, often at different rates among states. Therefore, instead of proposing any revolutionary moves that involve significant risks, such as large investments in entirely new solutions, we suggest gradually increasing the share of electric energy in your furnaces while utilizing the tools we currently have – again:
“The proper tools”.
The 80/20 hybrid furnace is an excellent candidate for the next step.

Forglass Hybrid Furnace