Batch Plants

Forglass High-performance vibrating dosing feeder - VIBE®

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Forglass High-performance vibrating dosing feeder

With the support of funding from EU, we have developed and patented a device, which is innovative on a global scale and allows extremely precise batching of the transported material (weighing precision > 99.95%). The use of inertia drives allows the machine to achieve three times higher efficiency, compared to classical batch dosing solutions. And because this device is often placed in the most critical stages of the technology line (e.g., feeding of charge to the glass furnace) its high reliability means virtually eliminating costly and time-consuming stoppages.

We Bring Ideas to Life

Our experienced engineers in the design office and our R&D department work tirelessly to stay ahead of market needs. We approach each project individually, drawing from our existing catalogue of machines and shaping them in such a way, as to obtain the most convenient layout of devices, efficiency and functionality that satisfy the most stringent requirements of the project. We listen to the needs of our clients and stay in constant contact with them from the design stage to the final construction stage. We know that our reputation depends on the new technology line or a batch plant that we deliver to each client.

Broad Horizons of Creativity

Our smart devices are designed with Industry 4.0 standards in mind. We work closely with scientific institutions, laboratories and universities to increase the efficiency and autonomy of our products. Each of our devices is a well-thought-out creation of people, for whom design and glass are ultimate passions.